The start of this year’s Festival was unlike any other, it started for us at midnight on the 15th of August as we sat anxiously hunched over our laptops checking that all the pre-recorded videos were working and that all of the downloadable activities were in the right places and working! After a restless night sleep, we awoke bright and early and… well carried on with our day! No popping on our Festival T-shirts, no leading bands down the high street, no handing out flags or brochures and dancing with Percy… Just sitting by our laptops with crossed fingers that everything is working ok!
Thankfully everything worked perfectly (isn’t technology amazing… when it works!) and this year’s Festival got off to a flying start!
We started the Festival by channelling our inner Mary Berry and judged some fabulous cakes in The Great Virtual Worcester Cake Off and The Great Virtual Junior Worcester Cake Off with Cookmate! They might have had only a few entries into each competition, but the standard was very high and lots of people voted for the winners. Congratulations to Amelia and Fiona who were this year’s winners.
Cookmate also joined forces with Sugar Clouds and Crumbs to bring you a fabulous cake decorating video which is available to watch throughout the Festival! Click here to watch. If you have a go at creating a beautiful cupcake bouquet don’t forget to share your photos with us!
Both events hosted by Cookmate are to raise money for the Megan Baker House Charity which provides life changing services for children and adults with motor disorders such as cerebral palsy there is still time to donate to this fabulous charity, click here.
Next, we grabbed our needles and wool and headed to the Woolly Works Instagram page to learn how to create a panel for the Stitch Train project in cooperation with the Worcestershire Community Rail Partnership! There is still chance for you to submit a piece to the Stitch Train project, to request a project pack, see the information on project #4 on their website project entries are needed back by the 4th of September so get stitching!
If you fancy seeing how to create a panel first, watch their demonstration video on Instagram
Also, on Instagram, Meadow Arts hosted a fantastic live streamed session about What is Contemporary Art and showed you how to create a beautiful piece of postcard art using inspiration from Yinka Shonibare, Creatures of the Mappa Mundi. To watch the session and take part now, click here!
This weekend also saw a fabulous story-telling session on Zoom by the Tudor House Museum they have another session this Saturday, don’t miss out and book your place here!
There was also plenty of crafting fun over on Crafty Carrot Gifts Facebook page! We made a fire breathing dragon, an egg carton caterpillar and a peacock out of an old CD! There are 4 more projects to come in, one everyday for the next 4 days and you can still see how to make the other 3 projects here.
The Battle of Worcester Walk started this Sunday. Participants learn all about the fascinating part that Worcester played in the last battle of the English Civil War. The walks are running everyday of this year’s Festival apart from Saturdays. Please pre-book your space here.
We have also got active this weekend with virtual Zumba and Taekwondo session which will be running throughout the Festival this year, check here for dates and times!
There are also many activities that can be watched or downloaded at anytime during this year’s Festival, including City quiz trails, colouring competitions, Cathedral historical and educational activities, a virtual ghost walk, face painting demonstrations, classical music concerts, and so, so much more!
Take part in these activities here!
This year’s Worcester Festival has over 676 free events for everyone to try! That is 89% of the events in 2020’s Worcester Festival. Isn’t that amazing! Please donate to our JustGiving page to help us offer even more next year!