Well what a day its been today! With our house guest still here and Jason turning 30 today, we ventured into town on this very soggy morning to see what we could see!
We caught the amazing Someone at the Door Samba bad outside the Guildhall, they are one of my favourite bands that play at the Festival and they never fail to make me dance! Even though they were a much smaller band than usual they still packed a punch and the Samba sounds rang out across the high street! We were geared up for the Worcester Mini Mela, but sadly had to make the decision to postpone it due the weather. So that’s something else to look forward to next weekend!
We then ventured up to Cathedral Square where we met Santa and the fabulous team of Worcester Lions. Santa was asking the boys and girls to tell him where he should visit on his sleigh this year. The birthday boy and Beth took the opportunity to pose for a quick photo before we headed to the Cathedral.
In the Cathedral we went to see the pear tree project and Beth had made a modern inspired pear to hang on the tree, it’s so lovely to see so many new pears on the tree and a little collection of food for the food bank growing!
We popped into Cookmate to see the entries for the Great Worcester Cake Off. Sadly they only had one entry to this years competition, but it was beautiful and well worth a mention!
We also went exploring the Elephant Trail although we didn’t manage to get all the way round (and we plan on doing the full trail later in the week but Beth will be home by then). We got very soggy on our explore and so abandoned ship for a cup of tea and dry clothes! It’s been really wonderful spending time with Jason over the last week doing lots of fun activities together and I’m really looking forward to the final week of the Festival!